Oh how we all love to do it. Even 5-7 miles per hour over the limit is really costing you money that you could be keeping in your pocket. Next time you feel like punching the gas pedal, think about how much extra gas you are using... Big Saver!
Rage Drivers
I know, traffic is crazy no matter where you live. Did you know that driving crazy or aggressive is probably making you consume more gas and costing you more money at the pump? Relax, slow down and you can watch the savings pour in!
Cruise Control
Cars have cruise control to help you drive exactly at the speed you want. Tip here, USE IT! Driving at a consistent pace will most definitely stop you from using too much gas. Set it to the speed limit and you should be good.
Tire Pressure
This one is a biggie! If your tires are underinflated you could be using loads of gas and spending large amounts of money. Check your tires once or twice a month. Make sure they are right at where they need to be. Having your tires aired up to the correct level can save you some MAJOR DOUGH!
Stay Up On Your Maintenance
Your car or truck works better when you change the oil and fluids on a regular basis. If your car is older, changing the oil every 3,000 miles can considerably help your gas mileage and help you save money over the life of your vehicle.
Hopefully, you can use these simple little tips to help you save some cash at the pump. Until gas goes back down below 2 bucks a gallon, we can all use some help.
What are you doing to help ease the pains at the pump?